Webdesign, Windows applications, 3D print design, etc.
Work is published under Creative Commons and GNU GPL licenses.

Ondřej Kotas
city: Brno, Czech republic
mail: ok@krtkovo.eu
facebook: krtkovo.design.studio
phone: +420 608 828 650 (mon-fri 1100-1620)

Reference portfolio:


Title: TOKE
Customer: Jetio s.r.o.
Description: Cannabis oil and vape shop
Job: Webmaster


Title: Na rozpočet s občany
Customer: Statutární město Brno
Description: Informative website for public event organized by city hall
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2018
Title: CF 2018
Customer: Česká pirátská strana
Description: Informative website for meeting of political party
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2018


Title: Kološkopek
Customer: Daniel Rathouský
Description: Presentation of "beer bike"
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2017


Title: Remote Desktop Manager
Personal project
Description: 50th release of Remote Desktop Manager, currently in version 0.9.1 (latest stable)
Job: Implementation of Windows application


Title: ZPNJ.cz
Customer: Svaz tělesně postižených v České republice z.s., místní organizace Nový Jičín
Description: CMS for portal dedicated to group of handicaped people
Job: Design, script, hosting and updates
Paid project completed: 2014, I grant all further updates and hosting for free
Title: ZKK.cz
Customer: Zkušebna kamene a kameniva s.r.o.
Description: CMS for stone testing laboratory
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2014
Title: VasZahradnik
Customer: Váš zahradník s.r.o.
Description: Presentation and contact formular for gardener company
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2014


Title: LEMMA
Customer: Fakulta informatiky Masarykovy univerzity
Description: CMS for presentation of audiovisual media laboratory
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2013


Title: Herztheater.cz - "Pulsing portfolio"
Customer: Herztheater group
Description: web presentation of theatre group
Job: Scripting work on customer's design.
Project completed: 2010
Title: Intranet websites
Customer: AXA Pojišťovna
Description: Intranet presentations of HR and Account departements with two crossword applications
Job: Design and script.
Project completed: 2010
Title: Green Energy Competition 2
Customer: Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha
Description: Presentation for school competition in physics
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2010


Title: SWAY.eu
Customer: SWAY Street Dance Crew Brno
Description: Presentation of street dance group
Job: Scripting work on customer's design.
Project completed: 2009
Title: Evidence system for school library
Customer: Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2009


Title: MP3 Sorter
Personal project
Job: Implementation of Windows application
Project completed: 2008
PC World magazine included MP3 Sorter as useful software on their CD (11/2007)


Title: 6.BF
Personal project
Description: Presentation of school class
Job: Design and script
Project completed: 2008


KRtkovo.eu (Krtkovo.cz that day, to be precise) was founded!
Creative Commons-BY-SA 2005-2022